What we do


Connection hui

Resource sharing

Leadership development


Workshops • Connection hui • Resource sharing • Leadership development • Advocacy •

  • Connection hui

    We hold face-to-face and online hui to connect, collaborate, build capability and share resources.

  • AI support

    We co-host AI workshops, where we talk about how you’re using Artificial Intelligence, and help you learn from each other.

  • Skills workshops

    We deliver skills workshops on a range of topics, from financial sustainability to impact management.

  • Strengthen cultural competency

    We’re exploring opportunities for strengthening cultural competency and better enabling oritetanga (equity) through the work of Te Tauihu for-purpose organisations.

  • Leadership development

    We’ll be piloting an Action Learning Set.

    Action Learning Sets are small groups of leaders that explore real-life situations through questioning each other.

    The sets build leadership skills, improve decision-making, and build deep relationships and networks to support collaboration, innovation and change.

    We’ll also be exploring other sector leadership approaches like peer coaching and care hubs.

  • Enable resource sharing

    We know that many for-purpose organisations in the region are struggling to access the resources they need to operate.

    We can help connect you to an organisation that can share their resources with you - from meeting rooms to accountancy expertise, and many things in between.

    If you can offer resources, or are in need of resources, get in touch with us today.

    email admin@tetauihucommunity.org

  • Regional champions

    We’re building a network of regional champions to work as connectors and navigators for the for-purpose sector.

    If you are interested in becoming a regional champion, let us know.

    email admin@tetauihucommunity.org

  • Advocacy and relationship building

    We aim to bring the voice of the for-purpose sector to the table in local and central government and economic forums.

    Connecting with local and central government agencies will help the sector get involved early in policy and strategic reviews and changes.